A simply beautiful book both as a reference and as a work of art.
Composed by Monique Simmonds, Melanie-Jayne Howes and Jason Irving.
This beautifully illustrated book combines more than 270 plants used for their medicinal properties, as well as 24 practical projects for homemade teas, oils, tinctures and creams with a tradition of safe use.
Many of our most important drugs are derived from plants and many more are yet to be discovered: much research in this area is overseen by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew where the book's three authors are employed. This contemporary Herbal offers a fresh take on the 5000-year-old tradition of recording plants with medicinal value and with life changing benefits.
The royal Botanic Gardens, Kew has made innumerable contributions to the understanding of plants with benefits for humankind for more than 250 years.